snow day

January 22, 2012

Yesterday, I called off work because it snowed and I couldn’t make it off my street, let alone a half an hour away to the mall. Snow utterly defeats me in a way that very few things do. Usually I can power through things, or else be two seconds away from breaking apart completely but somehow manage to white-knuckle it to victory. But not with snow. It happens, and I morph into a useless lump of nervous almost-barfing and leg twitches. This is the worst superpower, to be sure. It doesn’t help that the tires on my car are about 80% bald, and thus about as useful as a barrel of radioactive monkeys when it comes to traction and steering in winter slush.

So, since I was stuck at home all of yesterday and feeling pretty crappy about it (let me tell you about my ridiculous actual-job work ethic), I decided to spend the day doing something useful. Decided is actually not the right word. It is more like I remembered I wanted to knit some dishcloths and retroactively declared them penance for missing work.

three scrubbies

is it still technically "housework" if I never get around to washing dishes with them?

I’ve made these three so far, and am currently working on another spirally scrubbie. They are too much fun. I am hoping they will hold up well enough to use in the shower, and not just for dishes, since my shower puff is coming apart. It is the second one that’s done that, and it annoys me. I don’t think I bathe particularly vigorously, so why is this puff, which is designed specifically to scrub dirt off skin, coming apart after less than a year of doing just that? Arg.

Other than that things have been pretty chill around here.

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